STABLE VETS - Veteran/Family Support

*Returning combat veterans experience the horses as part of their re-adjustment process…

UPDATE!  Stable Vets is up and running!  We’ve formed bi-weekly support groups for veterans and families of veterans.  These take place every other Friday at 6:00 in Gardnerville (next session Friday Aug 4th, 2023)

 We can now schedule equine assisted psychotherapy with a licensed therapist to treat PTS, Moral Injury, MST, and TBI!

 These session uses our retired racehorses as part of the equine assisted services team. 

Please see the flyer below to sign up – or click the button and fill out the online form!

To learn how these sessions work, feel free to watch the short video below from our certifying organization, Arenas for Change (

“Every horse can help a human, every human can help a horse”